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Mother Shipton ~ Facts, Myths & Mysteries

Welcome to an innovative examination of the history and prophecies of Mother Shipton, celebrated by some as the 16th century's female Nostradamus of England, questioned by others as a fraud, her very existence hanging in the balance. is part of the The Prophetess Legacy ~ Feminine Voices of the Divine research project created by Susan Larison Danz.

The content of this website was created without the assistance of AI, as it is intended to be the direct expression of the host's own creativity and verifiable research. The sources cited pre-date the use of AI. No AI chatbots or tools were used in the research for this website due to the need for careful scrutiny of the information. exists because a significant amount of information regarding Mother Shipton - online and in printed sources through the centuries - has no historical justification. Much of the biographical material online is based on dubious sources from the "witch hunting era". Many (but not all) of the prophecies attributed to Mother Shipton, some with a reasonable amount of evidence they were likely forged, are surrounded by controversy.

The more probable history and prophecies of Mother Shipton, what we can glimpse from historical evidence, are being hidden by the repetition of information that can be shown to be of questionable origin. Nobody can prove with 100% confidence that Mother Shipton ever existed, not anyone online or in history (and not Wikipedia, either). This research endeavor is a part of a centuries-old search for the real Mother Shipton. Perhaps we will find her.

Visit the FAQs Page for a fascinating glimpse of Frequently Asked Questions, Mysteries and Misconceptions related to Mother Shipton.

Mother Shipton

Intended to continually expand, the web site and associated Shipton Prophecy Blog, provide detailed evidence supportive of this intuitive woman's existence, though there is no confirmed evidence her name was "Ursula Southeil" (or "Sontheil"), contrary to many popular accounts. One of the earliest records actually states her name as "Ursula Soothtell", and this site will examine how that may not be coincidental, though definitive proof of her name is lost to history. That source also refers to "Shipton's wife", and there is indeed historical evidence of the Shipton family name in the area she may have lived.

What we can know with certainty is how much the Mother Shipton prophetic legacy was revered and trusted for many years after she was said to have lived, including by many in the present day.

Through careful, objective, enlightened study of the resources available, a much clearer picture of "the likely Mother Shipton" will be revealed. We will analyze the controversy surrounding many words attributed to Mother Shipton that were either proven as forgeries or have been alleged as forgeries. We will even explore the fascinating mysteries around the uncanny prescience of some often-repeated alleged forgeries.

What we can discern about her life from historical resources will be examined closely, seeing beyond the many stories surrounding her past, stories asserted through the centuries by those either proclaiming or maligning her legendary "witch-like" attributes.

In the process, we will begin to envision the real Mother Shipton evidence suggests may have walked upon the Earth, an intuitive woman trusted by those whose lives she touched, not a caricature and not a fraud, and with no verifiable indication of ever being burned at the stake, though she may have been threatened with that fate by a notorious Archbishop.

The Prophetess Legacy ~ artwork by Richard Crookes

When considering that the real Mother Shipton may not have had quite as fanciful a history (yet extraordinary by any measure), nor can we be sure she said much of what is attributed to her, we will explore the eerie precognitive mystery of some of those words, including those considered by historians to be forgeries. We will scrutinize the alleged forgeries to determine just how logically and historically justified is their fabrication, while keeping a mind open to remarkable possibilities.

Shrouded by controversy and misconstrued by many, the legacy of Mother Shipton is reaching out to us across time, assisting us to look at prophecy itself in an entirely new light.

Mother Shipton by Richard Crookes

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  • Changing the Channel
    The Frontier Beyond Fear Podcast with Susan Larison Danz
    January 17, 2025 (Most Recent Episode)
    Visit the new Spreaker Episode Archive for 590+ Episodes, 2010-2025, over a quarter of a million listens in its original home on Blog Talk Radio
  • Mother Shipton Halloween Special
    The Frontier Beyond Fear Podcast with Susan Larison Danz
    October 31, 2024
  • Mother Shipton: A Glimpse of the Truth
    The Frontier Beyond Fear Podcast with Susan Larison Danz
    September 19, 2024
  • Breakthrough Science: Freeing the Truth to Save the Earth Panel
    Susan Larison Danz (Panel Moderator)
    New Living Expo - San Rafael, CA
    April 21, 2024
  • Hidden Energy, AI vs. Intuition, Nikola Tesla's Intuitive Leaps
    Jeane Manning & Susan Larison Danz
    New Living Expo - San Rafael, CA
    April 20, 2024
  • Our Leap Beyond AI: Spiritual Breakthroughs
    Susan Larison Danz
    New Living Expo - San Rafael, CA
    April 19, 2024
  • Multidimensional Living
    Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
    February 20, 2016
  • UFOs & Spirituality Discussion & Panel
    In Person & Live Premiere Radio Network Broadcast
    UFOFest - McMinnville, Oregon
    May 15, 2015
  • Listen to Love!
    Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
    February 7, 2015
  • UFOs & Spirituality Discussion
    In Person & Live Premiere Radio Network Broadcast
    UFOFest - McMinnville, Oregon
    May 16, 2014
  • Heaven on Earth
    Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
    February 19, 2014
  • UFOs & Spirituality Discussion
    In Person & Live National Radio Broadcast
    UFOFest - McMinnville, Oregon
    May 17, 2013
  • Feminine Voices of the Divine
    Body Mind Spirit Expo - Portland, OR
    April 21, 2013
  • The Prophetess Legacy
    Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
    February 11, 2012
  • The Mysterious Mother Shipton
    Body Mind Spirit Expo - Portland, OR
    April 16, 2011
  • Mother Shipton: Prophetess or Myth?
    Conscious Life Expo - Los Angeles, CA
    February 11, 2011
  • The Mother Shipton Prophetess Legacy
    Body Mind Spirit Expo - Portland, OR
    October 23, 2010
  • The Mother Shipton Prophetess Legacy
    Conscious Life Exp - Los Angeles, CA
    October 16, 2010
  • The Mother Shipton Prophetess Legacy
    Body Mind Spirit Expo - San Diego, CA
    October 2, 2010

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